Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aventura Nueva: España

Everything comes later in Spain. Flights. Dinners. Jet lag. Reality. It took awhile, but it finally hit me that I’m actually in Spain, the magical European country of deeply rich history, charming people, and savory paella (which I have yet to try). I miss my family and friends, I miss Hawaii, and I miss baseball on the TV, but I have to say that this is an amazing country and I’m extremely excited to be here. ☺ I’ve only been here three days, but they’ve been packed. A bunch of us went exploring (don’t worry, Mom, we knew where we were going) and checked out the market about half an hour away.

All the kids here are fabulous. Mostly from the various Adventist colleges, they’re here to learn Spanish for all sorts of reasons, be it getting on course for a future career in the UN to finding it useful in the medical field to seeking a doctorate in order to become a professor of the language (like my roommate, who by the way is a bubbling fountain of hilarity and awesomeness). Yesterday we took our first trip to the beach. The Mediterranean is AMAZING. Gorgeous, cool, clear waters only a fifteen-minute bus ride from the college. We just cruised in the waves and sunbathed, and on an impulse I went and had a conversation with a safe-looking local (not far from our big group, Mom, don’t worry) in order to practice my Spanish and get a feel for the Spaniards. They’re pretty chill people. Though I haven’t been around much, the attitude here kind of reminds me of Hawaii. Maybe just because I went to the beach. Anyway, top off the day with gelato, and I officially love Spain.

So what about studying? Oh yeah, that’s coming. Today we had orientation and our placement tests, and tomorrow is our first day of classes. It’s also the beginning of my English drought. Besides this blog and Facebook, I’m going to try to speak nothing but Spanish here. I signed up for the required composition, conversation, and grammar classes, and my electives include the history of Spanish literature and a religion class. Seventeen credits. I know it’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be tons of fun. It already has been. Well, I’d better be getting to sleep so that I can wake up for 7:30 breakfast and the 8:50 start of classes. Goodbye family and friends, and goodbye English. More later. God is opening so many new adventures to all of us while taking good care of us. No need for worry.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if you were ever going to be studying there since you looked like you were just having so much Fun, FUn, Fun! When I was in Japan for a year, I found it exhausting to only speak Japanese all the time, but I think you're much more fluent than I was and of course, WAY WAY smarter! So, have a wonderful start of the year. We love you!
    Aunty Margie
