Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dios es bueno, todo el tiempo :)

SPANISH WORD OF THE DAY: canica (kah-nee-kuh): marble

Wow. I don't even know where to start. I'm so in awe of God right now. So it's Sunday night now, and we've preached four sermons in the past three days. (My friend actually preached five!) We're constantly editing and studying, at least when we're not eating beans haha.

So anyway, after these first few nights, I had been getting discouraged. My crowd seemed sparse and emotionless. Other people in my group were talking about how their churches were packed and how some people cried after their sermons. I was also having trouble with my translator. So today I begged God to help me stay strong and keep on preaching. Noah went on for 120 years without fail. Then I grabbed my Bible and read Philippians 4, and it seemed like the answers to all of my prayers were in that passage: Paul says in the very first verse(!) to continue to stand for the Lord. WOW!! I felt a lot better, and my mood just improved with every verse. Rejoice in the Lord! (4:4) Don't worry; ask God for anything! (4:6-7) Be happy in every situation! (4:12) I can do anything through Christ! (4:13) God will supply your needs! (4:19) At the end I thanked God profusely and continued to practice my sermon.

Tonight, everything clicked. I went up to the stage, started to preach, and I just felt it. I felt a fire of passion and emotion boiling in my heart! I don't think fire can boil, but hey, it did in my heart today! (See Phil. 4:13) Tonight's topic was the gospel, the heart of Christianity. I felt the power of Christ's sacrifice and I wanted so badly to shout it to them! I know it wasn't just me up there but also Christ who strengthens me. My translator and I even worked better together! Some people still fell asleep, but I like to pretend they're meditating. I felt like I had done all I could and now I could just let the Holy Spirit work.

Afterward, I had fun talking to people in my broken Spanish. Developing relationships with the church members is the most important part to me. The kids are the easiest to interact with. The pastor's kids gave me Japanese peanuts because they I told them I'm Japanese (too hard to explain Okinawan to them; sorry, Dad!) and they gave me one of their prized marbles, hence the word of the day. They're soooo nice here. :) Today I also found out, sometimes humor does translate. :D The best part is, I know God has even better days in store for all of us this trip. I can't wait :) Todo el tiempo, Dios es bueno.


  1. Colleen! This is awesome! I'm so glad that you are in Guatemala sharing your experiences with everyone. I am so proud of you cousin.

  2. bestest monkey friendJuly 12, 2010 at 11:57 AM

    you are such an inspiration! i love reading your updates :) and *gasp* you said you were japanese?!?! :D i'm so proud of you hehe ;)

    bree el mono grande

  3. Colleen - Philippians 4 - my favorite verse to read to students before they take a test, especially vs. 4-7!

    God bless you mucho gusto (is that Spanish?)

    Love you - Aunty Linn

  4. FRIEND!!!
    que bueno que tenes un blog, asi que podemos seguir tus aventuras! :D y asi es, amiga - vos tenes que seguir adelante confiando en Dios con todo tu corathon. jeje.
    espero leer mas de tus aventuras!! y me gustan tus palabras del dia :D
    vamos a estar orando para vos!!!

  5. Way to go preacherette! Se lo dejo en los manos Dios porque todo lo podemos en Cristo que nos fortalece!

    Praying for you and I'm just so thrilled that you have stepped out in faith and God is surely coming through for you! Can't wait to hear all the stories that you'll be PREACHING here in Hawaii at Homelani!!:)

  6. Cousin: hello there!!!! i miss you!! hope you're doing well! and thank you :)

    Monkey: hahaha aww thank you! and hey..that japanese thing..only happening once..

    Aunty Linn: haha yes it is the ultimate student chapter! thanks for your well wishes! hope you're studying hard ;) much love! and haha yeah i know what you mean with the spanish phrase lol

    Friend: thi!!! ethoy confiando en Dios por todo ethe viaje!! te gutha el thetheo(ceceo)? haha no mas..gracias por tus oraciones! te echos menos!

    Pastor John: Hola predicador!! Si, todo es posible con Cristo! Thanks for your prayers! And oh boy, I think I will be all preached out when I get back haha just kidding. Hope the Abbott Ohana is doing well! Oh, and I hope you didn't cause any more tornadoes in the eastern US.
