Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lo más importante es amor

SPANISH WORD OF THE DAY: vencer (vehn-SEHR): to overcome/defeat

Hello everyone! Thank you for your prayers and wonderful words; they encourage me every day :) May God continue to bless you all!!'s a roller coaster every day. It really is. My spiritual mood usually goes something like this: I get really excited in the morning when I'm preparing for the sermon, because the message is amazing and I'm thinking of creative ways to present it. Then after the sermon in the evening I feel like I'm on a spiritual low, because I feel like it might have been boring or hard to understand. But as many people have said, that's just the devil working, trying to make me feel like my efforts are in vain. We've all kind of felt like that every so often during this trip, but we keep having worships about persevering and just doing God's work, then letting Him handle the rest.

A couple of the guys made their first baptismal calls in their respective churches last night :) They called quite a few times, and no one stood up. So Danny started on the closing prayer, and when he finished, there was a man standing up in the back. Praise God! At the other church, Wally went through the calls and the prayer without any commitments. Then after the service, two young people came up to him and told him they wanted to be baptized. Double praise God! It's just another testament to the fact that we can never give up. The Holy Spirit is working in ways that we can't see.

I also take comfort in the fact that even if they don't understand my sermons, I can show them one thing that transcends all language barriers: love. If they don't quite grasp the 2300 day prophecy, I know they will at least understand a warm handshake and a hearty "Buenas noches!" If they get bored during a sermon about Revelation, I know they will at least enjoy a small gift of cookies. And they've shown me so much love. Today a church member offered to do my laundry. Another wants to take me around Flores. They may not have much, but they have love. So actually, they do have a lot.


  1. Hi sweetheart. You got that right! It's all about love. That is exactly why Christ came to this earth and to offer salvation to all of us, LOVE!. And that's what He wants us to have for everyone we meet, genuine love.
    Got 2 more days of summer session for me. We go to the Pacific Aviation Museum this Friday to end my term. It has been a fast but rewarding 2 weeks. Hope the kids feel the same. Most of the students are here from Japan and wanted an American experience, so I taught them the basics of basketball, and now that's all they want to play. They like soccer too and we go to the park and play that every so often too, but basketball is by far their favorite. I showed them your blog on the Smartboard. Jessie Leal helped me interpret the spanish parts. That was fun! We are also studying about Afghanistan. Mom came to class and made them some Middle Eastern food. Most enjoyed it.,some not so much. Then for science we are studying the science of flight and I had them make a paper helicopter that actually flew, White Wings glider, and the last challenge a hot air balloon that we are having trouble getting off the ground, but very close, my favorite.
    So what is your schedule as far as last sermon to preach?
    Take care. We love you and miss you. Dad. And praying for you and especially your congregation.

  2. Hey kid!
    Love your blog! But love you more than blogging! just a quick note to let you know that i'm praying for you, thinking of you, missing you TOOOOONS! I know God can use you as a blessing He loves you more than me, can you imagine?! be safe. DOG. ASAP. GAP! mamasita

  3. Hi Colleen!

    I love reading your updates. I'm so proud of you for going on the trip and being so focused on helping others. Love you, miss you, praying for you!


  4. Daddy: Haha awww it sounds like you're having a blast at summer school! See daddy, this is why all your students say you were their favorite teacher! Love and miss you mucho!!!

    Mamasita: I love you too!!!! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks :) It's hard to imagine anyone loving me more than you and dad, and that's how I know God's love is amazing. Staying safe, thinking about you guys all the time..

    Mich: Hello cousin!! Haha thanks! I appreciate your prayers so much!! We all need them every day! Love and miss you! Was great seeing you for fourth of july :)

    Take care and God bless, family!!!

  5. Hot Air Balloon...finally got lift-off! You would have loved to see it! Papasita

  6. went to Lanikai Beach for Robert Rieber's baptism. What a blessing! several HMA09 were there. missed you. Robert and 'Moku leaving for SUA Wednesday. gave Caitie your blog address. praying for you. love you. thanks for staying safe. mamasita
